Have you ever wondered why you’re here? You’ve been placed on this tiny planet in the midst of this huge universe. In this world of ours where there is so much pain and suffering, and so much that stands between us and happiness it’s easy to feel helpless. And when you think about all the things that would surround you if you were lucky enough to reach destination “happiness” you’re left with a sense of uneasiness as well, because there are many people who are born with all those things and are still terribly unhappy. What’s the solution? What’s the best way to buffer yourself from all the negative things life throws at us? How can we dodge the discomfort, avoid the rejection, side step the pain, and eliminate the possibility of failure?
You could go through life and attempt to avoid all these things. You could hope that in the process the things you want in life will be dropped in your lap by the kindness of whatever is behind the scenes turning the gears of the universe. And who knows, the universe may even throw you a bone and you might find yourself content and comfortable with this type of existence. But is this state of aimless helplessness even really living? Not at all. It should be the definition of dying.
We aren’t meant to wake up everyday and go through life avoiding, dodging, and side stepping. We were given desires so that we could take meaningful steps in the direction of obtaining those desires. Avoiding all that’s negative in the world leaves “hope” as your only tool of receiving the things that bring happiness. Purposefully moving toward the negative allows you to be the one who determines whether you fulfill your desires. We have to learn to deal with the pain and discomfort, and risk the rejection and failure because happiness lies on the other side of those negative things.
You are here to shape your own reality, not to be the victim of it. Pain, discomfort, rejection, failure, stress, pressure, responsibility, and all the negative things you have a tendency to avoid are really the tools life gives you to mold your existence. Once you know what you want it’s up to you to take a meaningful step toward using the tools that will get you there.
When you think about it, life really isn’t about the why, it’s the how. Either start taking meaningful steps, or wait around hoping. The meaning of life? That’s simple...
Live life like you mean it.